
Core Values

Here are LWC core values, who we are, and what our purpose and destiny are:

  • The clarity of LWC vision is determined by our passionate pursuit of GOD’S KINGDOM (in our families, community and around the world).
  • The Purity and Authority of GOD’S WORD is upheld and preached.
  • The POWER AND PRESENCE OF GOD is expressed through worship, creative arts, the demonstration of God’s spiritual gifts and a spirit-filled lifestyle.
  • PRAYER is the foundational strength and the force behind fulfilling God’s vision for LWC.
  • CHARACTER is maintained through integrity, balance, and momentum in our personal lives, our church leadership and ministries.
  • We are establishing God’s covenant in the Earth through STEWARDSHIP of our time, talent, and finances
  • Our standard of execution is EXCELLENCE in all ministries. This brings glory to God as we strive to give our best effort in everything we do.
  • DIVERSITY distinguishes the LWC family as a church that reflects all cultures.
  • LWC is a family that demonstrates ACCEPTANCE to every person, regardless of what stage of life experience they are in. Each one can discover a place to belong.
  • LWC is TRANSFORMATIONAL ministry bringing RESTORATION, WHOLENESS and EMPOWERMENT with every member discovering and operating in their God-given destiny.