
Submit Your Prayer Request

When you pray for one of the requests below, be sure to click on the I prayed for you button so that we can let the requestor know how many times their request has been lifted up.

Request Title# PrayersSubmitted On 
shelter0August 12, 2024Details
rescueing pet0June 25, 2024Details
shelter0June 21, 2024Details
family0June 5, 2024Details
Marriage/family0November 23, 2023Details
v0November 12, 2023Details
Stolen Memories0July 3, 2023Details


an ba
please pray for the cats Irziks, Ezinja. Morti, Amurs, Ilma, Rudis, Alla, Klara, dogs REda, Renis, Barts, leo, Dzeks, Lacis, Zuza to get adopted from animal shelter KK., its overloaded. Thanks

rescueing pet

an ba
Please pray that the brown and white dog who lost his owner gets a new home. Pray that good man V. receives many calls and messages with home offers for this pet. Thank you


an ba
Please pray for animal shelte U.r to receive enough donations to pay for the treatment of injured pets and for the treatment of pets of needy owners. Thank you


EARNEST PRAYER REQUEST Praise The Lord I kneel and Pray for Israel , my family and myself Bless Israel and Pray for Shalom peace and joy to all in Israel. Amen Wisdom , Deliverance from Balance debts to be crushed soonest under the feet of our Lord Jesus Christ miraculously and an angel of Blessings locate us today as God's messenger to come and help us resolve it . May our family life be joyful and we get to rejoice together . Also our Restaurant Business prospers and sales increases daily .... Please plead with Prayers to our Jehovah Jireh, if can provide find a well wisher / lender / private institution / Bank with low interest funds so we promptly pay back every month as the requirement is { not } big, to repay back our high interest loans which is a burden. They can check our status / abilities / capability of repayment. Thank you so much for Prayers in Advance may our God Bless you & your ministry . May our Prayers be answered according to His will today, because HE LOVES ME & NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH OUR GOD Amen


Rebecca Thompson
Please pray that my husband will end his affair, and comes back to our family. That he can cut his soul ties with the other woman. Please pray that Satans veil will be lifted. Please pray that my husband will ask for forgiveness, redeem himself in the eyes of the Lord. That he can release his overwhelming guilt. We have five children. They are suffering without him. They need us together as a family. We love the Lord. We feel that Satan is attacking our family. We love my husband. Please pray he loves me again. Please pray he comes back to us.


Bless Anonymous
Please pray for hope and hope fulfilled in Jesus name. Pray God hear and grant my requests, meet my needs, and crush frustration, discouragement and disappointment in Jesus name. Pray God grant me a home and family of my own and remove every hindrance and delay in the way of his best will and purposes for me, my family and my life in Jesus name.

Stolen Memories

Theo Nemeth
Praise the Lord Church. I need the staff to please pray that the Lord leads me to the Mini DV Tapes that my relatives left in their Car that got stolen on Jan 3 2022. Those Tapes are very important to us for generational pass ons. Please pray when you get the chance. That's all I want. Thank you Church.
Thank you for lifting up this request in prayer.